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Principal | Team Lead
LIC: MD 618185 DC SP98367056
Vishal was born and raised in the Maryland/DC area. He completed high school in 3 years during which time he began investing in the stock market, pursued his A+/MCSE/OCP Computer Certifications, and went on to earn a BS degree from the University of Maryland Baltimore County in Computer Science in 2006. 4 Months after graduating he began investing in Real Estate, and would go on to quit his full time job as a Software Engineer and Database Administrator and found Vidona Residential. Knowing the value of real estate as a long term investment, and believing in the principle that people would refer someone they trust and feel is knowledgeable, he began building a real estate team with the goal of working 100% Exclusively by Referral. Since then, Vidona Residential has been helping more and more people achieve one part of THEIR American Dream. Vidona Residential is in the top 1% of real estate agents in the country, and has been featured on HGTV.
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